12 Week Webinar Series (Kicked Out of Heaven with Bro. Keenan Booker)
The only study in the world about Europeans that is not done by Europeans!
Kicked Out of Heaven: The Untold History of The White Races Cir. 700-1700 a.d.
Volume: I, II & III
Required Reading Materials
- Kicked Out of Heaven Vol. I: The Untold History of the White Races Cir. 700-1700 A.d. (1) (The Mud) https://amzn.to/3NJZDX7
- Kicked Out of Heaven Vol. II: The Untold History of The White Races cir. 700 - 1700 a.d. (The Ice Book 2) https://amzn.to/3aSE6gp
- Kicked Out of Heaven Vol. III: The Untold History of The White Races Cir. 700 - 1700 a.d. (The Dragon Book 3) https://amzn.to/3HheyFy
Overall Learning Objective:
- How & Why do White People act the way they do?
Lesson #1
Fig. 3.). The Drunkard's Progress, anonymous print, 1846. By the early nineteenth century, the culture of heavy drinking in North America had given rise to a home-grown temperance movement.
Volume: II; Part: I; Chapter: I: The Vices of Hallucination
Volume: II; Part: II; Chapter: II - V: Diseases: Superstitions, Sweating Sickness, Typhus, Scrofula, Dysentry, Leprosy, Syphilis, Gonorrhea,
Course Description:
In this course, I will be going over several elements in daily Medieval society that enforced hallucinations on the inhabitants. Some of these things were known by the people and were intentionally incorporated into their daily intake. There is evidence that some of these things were not known, but could have been recognized by the upper echelon of the hierarchy and were not familiar to the peasant populace. Alcohol was a daily consumption, especially wine. At the closing of the 1700s, there was the discovery and epidemic of Gin, which needs to be closely reviewed. The stages of alcoholism, starting with fun with friends and ending with depression and suicide was well known. McLeod syndrome is a nerve disease that affects the mind and the body in a very unique way. It is reported that this disease incorporates high levels of schizophrenic thinking and other mental ailments that are similar to the thought pattern needed for business/corporation success. Inclusive with these mental ailments there was the unknown hallucinogen ingestion of Ergot poisoning. Today, Ergot is found in the street drug LSD. In the Medieval times' circumstances developed where the populace had to eat rotten rye/wheat. When rye rotted it turned black and contained a chemical that has been identified as Ergot. This chemical, inclusive with other hallucinogens has assisted in advanced thinking and exploration of the mind that other races do not express having. Another vice during the times was the Amanita Muscaria mushroom. This is the red mushroom with white dots that are also considered to be the strongest hallucinogenic mushroom. The mushroom was intentionally taken as a pastime. Lead Poisoning was also a very serious mind-altering chemical and still is to this day. Scholars say it enhances the desire to witness violence and makes a person sterile to intervening or helping a person who may be a victim. Last but not least there is Jenkem. Jenkem is a term used to identify the process of getting high from the smell of fermented feces. It is stated that when one does “trip” off of this inhalation they go into a realm of seeing “dead people”. The smell of feces, inclusive of rotting carcasses was common in the air during these times. It was so common that it is safe to guesstimate that this scent had its own atmospheric level. When all of these things are considered, we can clearly see that intoxication was at an extreme level. In discovery, we will encounter how these things affect the modern population in both habit and socialism.
Lesson #2
Fig. 17.). Left Deformities present in a young woman with congenital syphilis. Progressed to the point of nasal caving, blindness, and mouth closure
Course Description:
Due to the fact, the people were underneath a mass amount of hallucinations. We can only expect for them not to pay attention to the importance of hygiene. It is similar today when we consider the conditions of the alcoholic, the meth addict, the heroine fiend, or the crackhead. This includes many other individuals like the executioner, the landlord, or the wet nurses. Circumstances of newcomers from a neighboring land, the soldiers coming back from war, or traveling prostitutes all contributed to the spread of a contagion. Medical knowledge during these times was not as advanced as it seems it is today. Many superstitions and spiritual mechanisms were created to battle diseases. There has always been a placebo effect with ailments, that stems from a mind-over-matter method. This was the major reliance during these times. The Sweating sickness which sporadically appeared in different locations throughout Europe as did all diseases was peculiar and never found a solution. This infection caused an individual to sweat to death. We will detail its actions upon the Europeans. Typhus was a disease state to be spread by the biting of ticks and fleas. Its symptoms were extreme and violent. Scrofula also called the Kings Evil was defined as a person having worms living in their neck. These worms could only be removed by the Holy. First, it was the Pope or local priest, and then extended to the touch of the King. We will discuss how this occurred.
Dysentery was an ailment that only children suffered from. It infected babies from there being colic in the water. Colic is another word for feces. They suffered from the disease by having diarrhea filled with blood and would produce these excrements until they died. Scholars have stated that there has been a big confusion with detailing the difference between leprosy and syphilis when researching the documents and artifacts coming from these times. We will be going over both in separate fashions. Leprosy was not considered to be sexually transmitted and syphilis is. There is a possibility that the evolution of leprosy allowed its identification to be changed by title. Both ailments were extreme relative to the deterioration of the physical features, specifically the face and other areas of the skull. Gonorrhea also known as the clap was recorded as early as the 16th century. It was treated with Mercury. The amount of death it caused and also the social adjustment that it caused will be reviewed. Gout is unique as it is an affliction that is caused by the consumption of wine, beef, pig, and other fatty foods. It was blamed upon the Devil as many cartoons of the time period state. Supposedly, it was only a disease that the rich got because they were the only ones who could consume in a gluttonous fashion.
Lesson #3
Fig. 39.). Le Médecin guérissant Phantasie, Mattheus Greuter, 1620 Dr. Wurmbrandt Bibliothèque nationale de France
Volume: II, Part: III, Chapter: III, The Fools Stone, Lazar Houses & The Different Manias Course Focus
Course Description:
The Fools Stone is very important. It is defined as the discovery of a form of thought or excessive thoughts that comes from the center area of the forehead. This area could be the identification of the frontal lobe and/or the amygdala gland. The frontal lobe and the amygdala gland control all social computation and activity of the mind. In Eastern societies, it is described as the 3rd eye. In Medieval times, it was called The Fools Stone and it was very important for it to be surgically removed as the cartoons of the era exemplify. The Lazar Houses were the first locations in history where the insane were confined. In other cultures, these individuals were left to roam the land on their own. They were considered to be an embarrassment to your capability of reproduction. An insane or handicapped individual brought shame to a family and they were usually discarded. Considering they cannot assist with the maintenance of the family and home. Also, it will take extra work in order to see after them.
The prior subjects discussed are more focused on individual insanity. The Manias are descriptions of different forms of mass hysteria. The majority of these manias occurred for over 300-400 years. These manias stem from the defloration of virgins from pineapples to tulips. The reasoning for these manias during the Medieval times was to develop the spirit for launching a product and/or a business. The mass hysteria that is utilized is usually based on social status symbols or the hope of attaining status by having the symbol or being at the event. This mentality also developed the attitude of division and despising amongst the financial/social class systems of the modern world. The Dancing Manias are a little different. The Dancing Manias was some form of mass hysteria that struck people’s minds in small groups of people. This hysteria was sporadic and was recorded all over Europe. Nobody could discover the root cause of this activity. The documents of the Dancing Mania state that people were dancing to the point until they broke their legs. Some danced on bridges until they broke and drowned. Others danced until they died. Some blamed Ergot for the activity others blamed the bite of a Tarantula.
The Poisoning Mania is unique. It was a phase in Europe’s history that definitely made a permanent stain in the documents of many assassinations. When detailing our modern world we will surely see that it is operated by chemicals. The majority of these chemicals are foreign and should be labeled as poisons. It is safe to say that the corporations that create and control today's products rely on chemicals, that when detailed in operation should be labeled as poisons. In Medieval times, poisoning for the advent of murder was labeled as a woman’s way of murdering and was shunned by the men. It was considered to be the way of the coward. Many kings, queens, and potential queens were removed in this method. It was also the stronghold of witches. We will visit this realm as a mania, as it has been classified as such.
Lesson #4
Fig. 64.). Right A random Medieval drawing of bed bugs
Volume: II, Part: IV, Chapter: IV, Fleas, Lice, Bed Bugs & Rats, Powders & Poisons, Plague
Course Description:
Fleas were rapid during Medieval times. These bugs were the source of many diseases and the diseases' capacity to spread at large distances. Fleas are literally bloodsuckers. The diseases that are spread are done by the insect immediately excreting where they bite and the person scratching the feces into the bite that was made. We will be going over many other things relative to fleas. Reports state the majority of the populace has Lice and also Bed Bugs. They were so common during the times, there are poems written about them. Bed Bugs were not a thing in the generations of the 1980s & 1990s but the statement “Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite” was a popular phrase during those times. Bed bugs became real in our modern times during the 2000s out of know where. It is a possibility that the American Medical Association released these bugs onto society.
Rats were blamed for the bubonic plague. There will be a description given of the Brown, Black, and Gray rats. Rats would plague farms and destroy crops. Rats traveled all over Europe, usually by ship. There are reports of ships arriving at the docks with only rats inhabiting them and not a human soul to be found. Rats were deeply downloaded into the Psyche of Europeans. This is seen today with children's stories, cartoons, and even amusement corals. Examples are Stuart Little, Mickey Mouse, and even Chuck-e-Cheese. There has been a close relationship that Europeans and rats have developed over centuries of time. This allowed many things to be discovered relative to the mass hysteria that rats operate with. These things will be discussed.
To properly introduce 400 years of plague experiences, a review of poisons must be conducted. This time there will be a close inspection of the production of different forms of poisons and the ingredients used. Also, who gave the list of instructions and ingredients on how these poisons should be constructed and utilized? These details come directly from the court transcripts of many different countries, that all bare a similarity. Modern-day scholars tell us that the grandson of Genghis Khan was the origin of the plague. This is not what the chroniclers of the times state. There were many witches and religious battles that were going on that took relentless routes to achieve their goals. There are also statements about housebreakers and highwaymen that used poisons to wipe out whole towns to gain the property of the inhabitants. All of these things will be reviewed.
A small introduction to the plagues will be given. It was a mysterious specter that struck at will. Beginning with The Black Plague of 1347, millions of people lost their lives. It has been estimated that anywhere from 25 – 150 million people died within the span of 3 years. This occurred throughout the entirety of Europe, North Africa, The Turkish lands, and the Silk Road leading into the Orient. Many of these experiences created our modern-day social practices and law. It was labeled as the Great Mort or The Dearth. The development of the caricature that we know of as death was designed from these experiences during this time. As I've stated, this will only be an introduction to the subject. There is far more to investigate in the next lesson.
Lesson #5
Fig. 71.).” The Dead Cart” Daniel Defoe
Volume: II, Part: V, Chapter: VI, The Plague
Course Description:
The Black Death was a plague that flipped the world upside down. It occurred from 1347 to 1350. Scholars state that it killed anywhere from 75 – 200 million lives. The plague traveled all throughout Europe, North Africa, and China. It was also given the name “The Great Pestilence.” Many documents blame this mortality on the rats. The Black Death operated as if it had a mind of its own and selected individuals, households, neighborhoods, or cities at its own discretion. When a person was afflicted with the disease it was quickly noticeable. The signs of infection were shown by what they called “buboes.” These buboes would grow anywhere in size from a small apple to an egg. Documents state that these large bumps would be filled with puss usually of a blue or black color. They were a certain sign of death. The bumps were a signal to a countdown clock to expiration. Anyone who caught the disease was only expected to live from 5 minutes to 3 days. They could die at any given second.
Documenting the names and numbers of those who passed from mortality was a difficult task. Many did not receive a Catholic burial as the priests were scared to visit in some regions and in others, the people died too quickly and unpredictably for them to arrive on time. The numbers were tremendous. In France alone up to 10,000 people died in a week. A person died as a number and is usually nameless. The mortality was quick and swift. We will be discussing the number of deaths in many regions all throughout Europe and how they got rid of the bodies in an orderly fashion. Families were known to take dead relatives to the pits in the center of the town themselves. There were also gravediggers who road by ringing a bell for the dead to be taken out of their homes and would collect them in big carts to take them to the grave pits. In deserted towns, the putrid bodies just lay in the streets.
It is true that the animals were affected by the mortality as well. Wolves would sometimes attack the survivors and at other times they were repelled by the stench of the rotten bodies. Dogs, cats, and cows also died from the conditions. Fever delirium drove women to run the streets nude in some areas in other areas they acted as if it wasn’t real and continued to play games, drink what was left, dance, and be merry. A large percentage of our modern-day socialism was designed from plague-like experiences.
Phrases such as “feed 'em with a long-handled spoon”, “can't trust 'em, as far as I could throw 'em” or even phrases like “for Christ's sake,” all come from plague experiences.
The majority of the activity that fulfilled our modern-day cartoons also comes from these experiences, for instance: turning stiff and fainting, or “being scared to death” or having a white streak in the hair from a fear shock. There was a lot of crime that occurred during these times. Especially with the “nurses” who have a mass amount of reports of killing off patients similar to the activity they conduct today. All of these things will be spoken about in detail during the course.
The Plague Doctors were odd character that was designed to battle the plague. We will talk about his purpose and the imagery of his long beak. Medicines and the origins of vaccinations will be discussed as well. The expansion of hospitals was done during these times. The plague assisted in the advancement of medical sciences and its speed in practice. We will discuss on how this was done and who the original Hospitalers were. There were many different forms of remedies that were rumored to be effective and we will detail some of these, as the majority were herb related.
Lesson #6
Fig. 108.). Right William Burke’s skeleton displayed at the Anatomical
Volume: II, Part: VI, Chapter: I, Folklore, Fairies & Other Forms of Magic
Course Description:
Folklore tends to be a little more important than what we would like to give it credit for. It is the mirror of the Otherworld in combination with the characters of our world. Mass hysteria is only mass by collective thought. This collective thought that is designed from a similarity of thought from a people or a group has enough essence to be a thought and alive on its own, on the outside of the human body. For this thought to have significance in relation it must have a home. This home is a character that is agreed upon by the masses and carried out throughout time. Because humans do not know how long we have been on Earth. These thoughts could have been literal and alive on their own in previous times that could stretch back millennia. Either way, it goes, these thoughts are attached to mankind. There is a possibility that these thoughts and/or characters assisted mankind's physical, psychological, or social development. Folklore is the embodiment of these newly identified and created characters and also the ones that have been forgotten over a millennia of time. History repeats itself. The wild man and woman were entities representing the uncivilized status of Europeans. They were entities that represented a life of freedom in the woods. Freedom was seen as a status of not having self-control and meeting everything with unbridled violence. Folklore also goes into fairies and what they truly are.
There are many forms of magic that were used during these times. Today many of these things would be considered “superstitious” and “nonsense.” I would beg to differ, with close observation we will see that these things should be taken with a small tone of seriousness. The Evil Eye was taken very seriously throughout the majority of the Medieval world. In our modern times, we see the evil eye coming from another person when they are angry all the time. We do not consider it as a mechanism for murder. In Old Europe, it was identified as a tool to use for cursing a person. Magic Mirrors and Crystal balls were also used during these times. How they were made their designation in usage and many other elements pertaining to them will be discussed. The Wax Men was a form of magic that is found in a multitude of cultures was definitely used in Europe specifically Scotland. How this is done will be discussed. Other forms of petty magic will be observed and presented as states in the course material.
Lesson #7
Fig. 110.). The Werewolf, or the Cannibal by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1509)
Volume: II, Part: VI, Chapter: I, Occult Serial Killers, Woman Hatred, Witchcraft & Witches
Course Description:
Before the world was infected with the Western civilization, serial killers were unheard of. In the depths of European history, there are many serial killers. In Medieval Europe, I have yet to find a serial killer that wasn’t directly linked to the Devil or the Occult. This information is coming from the court transcripts of the time period. Many of these individuals were caught with the property of many murdered people, the parts of baby fetuses, and stories of how they’ve made deals with the devil to attain their power. The killing of babies for sacrificial purposes was a normality for both witches and serial killers of the times.
There was a large amount of hatred that operated Old Europe. The majority of this hatred that was a part of everyday socialism was expressed between males and females. It is clear that the hate was directed from the males onto the females. There is a long list of reasons why. Women became the temptresses of men, men who moved the wheels of state, of religion, and of learning, men whose souls were practical, if not theoretically, more important. In most Christian theology and tradition this misogyny was kept within bounds, but sometimes it burst out crudely. This attitude is definitely shown in statements made in the Bible. Nonetheless, many women returned the hatred we see in our modern-day society. Misogyny became a basis for understanding and identifying the reasons behind a large number of woman's activities and behavior. These behaviors were labeled as Witchcraft and the women were labeled as Witches.
Unfortunately, Witches and Witchcraft are very real things. The males of our modern world are not educated on what witchcraft is, but the females are. Historically, only Old Europe has a designated time period that documented all of the details of pagan/female activity that defined women as witches. Witches and also the means of getting rid of them by burning them at the stake have been documented activity on all continents of the Earth. It is a unified practice amongst women, that may be ageless in its rites. Witchcraft is exclusively recorded between 1300-1700 in Europe. Spiritual activities and ceremonies of other cultures have been classified as a sorcery. There are many reasons for this that will be discussed. In our modern world, women still conduct ritualistic practices. These practices are not identified by males because of a lack of understanding of history, science, theology, and many other ologies. Today, women are taught these things from Walt Disney, other societal elements, and advice from friends. They trust the lack of religious understanding that men have today, in order to operate in a fashion where their behaviors and attacks go unidentified. Witchcraft has both a literal side and a psychological side. The literal side is more of the hands-on approach, relative to rituals, medicine magic, and the application of natural elements like animal parts, hair, etc... The psychological side which is the true meaning of Witchcraft is to stop him from whatever work he has dedicated himself to and/or emasculate, feminized, and castrate the male.
Lesson #8
Fig. 144.). Family of sans-culotts refreshing, after the fatigues of the day (1792)
Volume: II, Part: VI, Chapter: I, The Details on Witches, The Besom, Castration & The Sabbat
Course Description:
There were many forms of witches in Medieval Europe and several different covens. One form of witch was called the Tempestarii. During the witch hunts the belief in witches who could raise storms was not limited to the Tempestarii. Depending on a witch's preference, they were believed to cause tempests, hailstorms, and lightning. In the psychological sense, the Tempest is the headache or stomachache caused by arguing with the screeches of a woman or initiated by a guilt trip caused by her communication styles that create confusion in the mind.
The disturbance of the air by witches (by flight or weather-witching); riding out on beehives, brooms, fences, cats, or other vehicles; animals prowling by night in the witch’s service; witches changing themselves or others into animals; the use of ointment to effect the changes; nocturnal gatherings (Hindu witches, for example, flew naked through the air at night and consumed human flesh); the witch meetings taking place on Christian holy days, themselves replacements of the old pagan holidays (Hallowe’en, for example, replaced the Eve of All Saints’ Day, November 1, originally a Teutonic fire-festival day); the belief that bees are evil spirits; the association of black complexion, clothing, or other objects with witches or evil spirits; witches using boats; witches leaving their bodies to roam about; the use of brooms by the witches, against the witches, or as a test of witchcraft (witches in some places could not step across a broom); cannibalism by witches; the association of witches with animals, especially cats, dogs, frogs or toads, lizards, snakes, mice, owls, pigs, horses, and wolves; witches having special power over children, and especially their propensity for eating children; the circular dance, often naked; the fear of seeing the witch dance; the use of crossroads as a place where demonic powers are especially strong; a conscious relationship with the Devil (much more emphasized in European witchcraft than in other cultures. It is also not to be omitted that some wicked women perverted by the devil, seduced by illusions and phantasms of demons, believe and profess themselves, in the hours of the night to ride upon certain beasts.
Witchcraft is a composite phenomenon drawing from folklore, sorcery, demonology, heresy, and Christian theology. The chief individual components defined as witchcraft in the classical period were: (1) those generally derived from sorcery (approximately 31%)-shapeshifting, riding or flying, cannibalism, child murder, the use of salves, familiars, invocation of demons, and the choice of the night at 3 a.m. as the time for witch activities; (2) components generally derived from other folklore traditions, wild dances, the “Good Society, the wild man and the wild chase, incubi, and passing through closed doors or walls; (3) components deriving mainly from heresy, the definition of witchcraft as a sect, secret meetings, desecration of Cross or sacraments, formal repudiation of the church, synagogue, sex orgies, and feasting; (4) components added for the most part by theologians, the pact, Devil’s mark, worship of, sacrifice to, or homage to the Devil; the obscene kiss, and the sabbat. The sabbat appears in medieval witchcraft only at the end of the 15th century.
First, those to whom phallic castration happens to are adulterers or fornicators. For when they fail to respond to the demand of their mistress or is they wish to desert them and attach themselves to other women, then their mistress, out of vengeance, causes such a thing to happen, or through some other power causes their members to be taken off. Secondly, it can be distinguished by the fact that it is not permanent. For if it is not due to witchcraft, then the loss is not permanent, but it will be restored sometime.
Lesson #9
Fig. 169.). 17th Photograph - 1662 Schott Orangutan, Hypertrichosis by Paul D Stewart
Volume: II, Part: VI, The Werewolf
Course Description:
The Werewolf witch trials were witch trials combined with werewolf trials. Belief in werewolves developed parallel to the belief in witches, in the course of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern period. Like the witchcraft trials as a whole, the trial of supposed werewolves emerges in what is now Switzerland (especially the Valais and Vaud) in the early 15th century and spreads throughout Europe in the 16th, peaking in the 17th and subsiding by the 18th century. The persecution of werewolves and the associated folklore is an integral part of the "witch-hunt" phenomenon, albeit a marginal one, with accusations of werewolves being involved in only a small fraction of witchcraft trials.
There are 2 kinds of werewolves, voluntary and involuntary. The voluntary was, of course, wizards, such as Gilles Garnier, who on 18 January 1573, was condemned by the court of Dole, Lyons, to be burned alive for ‘the abominable crimes of lycanthropy and witchcraft.” More than 50 witnesses deposed that he had attacked and killed children in the fields and vineyards, devouring their raw flesh. He was sometimes seen in human shape, sometimes as a “loup-garou.” During the 16th century in France, lycanthropy was very prevalent, and numerous trials clearly show that murder and cannibalism were rife in many country districts.
It is true that the physicians nicely distinguish two kinds of lycanthropy; the one arising from possession by the Devil, the other natural, as Daniel Sennert says. At this point, it is necessary to emphasize very explicitly the difference between lycanthropy and werewolfery, since these are two diverse and heterogeneous things, although both are clearly of Satanic origin. (An exception may possibly be made if there is adduced so as to convince us of an instance of “natural lycanthropy”, although I hold that such can hardly be.) The sufferer, the lycanthrope, may, it is true, be an innocent victim, thus woefully afflicted that the works of God should be made manifest in him, as was the man who was blind from his birth, and whom Our Lord healed. Often, again, it is that Satan has betrayed his servant the sorcerer, the werewolf, has plagued him and driven him mad to make him more miserable in life and to involve him even more irretrievably in perdition, for the sorcerer is one who has made a pact with the Devil, and, as Guazzo points out, these pacts “are not only vain and useless; they are also dangerous and immeasurably pernicious. Remy also speaks of all who have surrendered themselves to the power of the Demon, as weary of his tyranny and bitterly conscious of their guilt, ever wishing to throw off the yoke of evil, so harsh and unjust a task-master is Satan, who chides and punishes them sorely at each motion towards good, each inspiration of grace.
Lesson #10
Fig. 178.). Mortsafes at a church yard in Logierait,
Volume: II, Part: VI, The Undead & The Vampires
Course Description:
The pictures of the mortsafe, iron coffin, or grave cages that you have witnessed are all located in Scotland. As you can see the different styles definitely proved it was a widely practiced and well-exercised part of the maintenance of the graveyard and letting the dead be at peace. As we saw earlier there was much gravedigging going on. But this gravedigging has mania during the 1700s. The data about the undead states that there are records suggesting this activity took place centuries before the sack-em-up gentleman and the cadaver mania. All the cases of the undead that I've encountered are similar relative to the references of the clothing being chewed, pale skin, fresh nails, and blood coming out of the mouth. There are even cases where it is stated that the inside of the coffin was scratched up. This entity is the original caricature of our zombie today. As it is the undead that also birthed the Vampire. Now that the Zombie and the Vampire are both well alive and have their own makeup rooms backstage. There is no more need for the undead, in which this silence kills all the reality that has birthed these entities and at the same time kills our awareness about our environment. This allows the undead, the zombie and the vampire to fit in your psyche as fiction, and to not be inquisitive about factual events that may support the reality.
Vampires are the souls of the dead, who at night feed on the blood of the living. We can trace their pedigree to the buried barrow ghost who could rise, slay, and eat, as in the Danish tale of Asmund and Aswit. All the hideous vampire legends grow out of facts concerning primitive cannibals. These demon bloodsuckers have their principal abode in Slavonia and Hungary, and their name is derived from the Polish word upior. Or the vampire may appear in the role of poltergeist, or knocker, who upsets the furniture and causes disturbances in houses. Similar manifestations assure the modern spiritualist of the visit of some soul of the departed. A Bulgarian sorcerer, armed with a saints picture, can entrap a vampire into a bottle baited with the filthy food that this gruesome soul loveth, and cork him down.
Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is one of about 150 types of ectodermal dysplasia in humans. Before birth, these disorders result in the abnormal development of structures including the skin, hair, nails, teeth, and sweat glands. Most people with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia have a reduced ability to sweat (hypohidrosis) because they have fewer sweat glands than normal or their sweat glands do not function properly. Sweating is a major way that the body controls its temperature; as sweat evaporates from the skin, it cools the body. An inability to sweat can lead to a dangerously high body temperature (hyperthermia), particularly in hot weather. In some cases, hyperthermia can cause life-threatening medical problems.
If we notice, just like werewolfism there is a medical explanation that can be cited for the activity yet it may not be accepted by all authorities. I knew to research the medical side of things for disfigurements that would enforce a vampiric type of appearance. And wallah here we are. There were so many physical disfigurements of all types that it is easy for children of the time to take people afflicted with such diseases as monsters or devils. Regardless of this, the effects of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia make the teeth look like fangs and other things that would give an inquisitive view of one's health. The fang-like teeth obviously grew into the blood-sucking theory which is also connected with the word striga. The word striga which I've seen used for witches also is also the name of the family genus class of owls. It comes from Latin meaning screeching owl. It is interesting to note that both ergot and cocaine are triggers that activate, influence, and inflame the disease.
Lesson #11
Fig. 189.). Giovanni da Modena
Volume: II, Part: XI, What is Hell and its components?
Course Description:
Welcome to Hell. As hell is all around us. The metaphysics that grounded the energy of hell into human existence is not only negative thinking and the pain felt from the lack of intelligence of hygiene and its disease consequences we must also consider the element of burning. The burning at the stake which was done for those of social repulse brought the soul into the atmosphere literally but also its screams (frequency) and the smell of burning flesh.
The screams alone as you have heard in volume 1 and here if your soul is clear are of a level that a human could not reach with its own willpower. These screams come from the thin line called the twilight zone, the brink of existence. When the soul is hanging onto the flesh in hopes of survival.
A series of negative events usually coupled with a lack of finances will make one refer to existence as Hell. Feeling the pain from the transmutation of pain coming from a loved one that is going through extreme pain can also feel like hell or make one classify the predicament or circumstance as hell. The bottom line of what hell is is the reception of pain coming from your environment or the restriction of survival or freedom in an environment or from an environment. As hell is a place and that place is the psyche and the soul. When speaking of pain, one must understand that pain coming from an outer source can be accepted as something that may come with the territory. Especially if we were to consider a term like “beauty pains” which implies self-inflicted trauma and augmentation of the natural state to be in synch or out of sync with how beauty is defined in the culture of that time. The key thing to pay attention to here is self-infliction and pain coming from the internal, as it is the mind which decided to commit the act. This needs to be considered when we observe the sounds and movements of the internal organs of the human body. These organs produce woes relative to everything from your emotions, and your chemical controls (adrenaline, fear, etc.,), to your flatulence, and body odor, and will also keep your waste if you are congested. This also includes the tongue which tells lies and yearns for sweetness. Even when speaking the truth that comes from judgment offense is usually what is felt by the receiver. The sun burns the skin and starts a fire. Molten lava spews from caves and destroys everything in sight. Fire forges weapons and is used as a weapon, in which it is a destroyer, not a life-giver. When you understand the deep realms of psychology, you find out you are in Hell.
Ghost armies and ghost ships were seen a lot of times throughout Europe. A stigma for this may be from how many ships they witnessed sinking it had to have an effect knowing that all the people drowned that were aboard the ships. This repetitive trauma of even witnessing such an event was one with the territory in Old Europe. To enlarge the scenario into a real event would be needed to find America and this was done with the TItianic. You see, when looking back at history, if I show you one large drastic event you will not be inquisitive about similar events that have occurred prior to it. In which there may even be larger events that predate. Another similar case would be the World War II situation with the Jews. Basically, Hitler told the world that Europeans hate Jews and we will slaughter them at an inkling. The world didn’t read it as such because they didn’t understand the language as there were many different layers of communication going on all at once.
Lesson #12
The Devil Presenting St Augustin with the Book of Vices, C1455-1498
Volume: II, Part: XII, Selling Your Soul & Who is The Devil?
Course Description:
Nobody really knows the truth about either the Illuminati or musicians but there is a long questionable history behind both. Regardless of this fact, all true artists of their craft are designed with
the mental capacity to think in extra realms than the ordinary man. They have to, in order to advance. Basically, you place the division of thinking amongst men in 2 categories. Alpha males and beta males. Alpha males think in a capacity to take care of hundreds of thousands of people at a time. This skill and desire to do so are viewed by the beta male and the woman as magical. It is viewed as supernatural and extraordinary. Anything that one cannot do, depending on their level of intelligence can be viewed as mystical. This will allude to some form of demon/angel assistance all in their imagination basically because their ignorant of what has occurred. For instance, if I go to a tribe that has to rub sticks together to start the fire and they’ve been doing it like this since the beginning of time and I pull out a lighter and flick their fire. The people will view me as a god. I have advanced technology. The people will create celebrations around the day and name their children after me. All because of the status of intelligence and that is it. Intelligence in all forms is refined and modified with trial and error, and repetitive testing.
This mentality is applicable to the selling of the soul. The populace does not understand how riches are gained. When asked, the party that is gaining is usually not going to state how he gains his prosperity as it is self-preservation to secure your growth. Plus there may be fear of stagnation or destruction to other people. This strikes the inquisitive nature that invites the devil into the thought. If I win 10 million in the lottery and I tell you I sold my soul and then show you this book I wrote. Youd think I did for real. Which is nonsense. People aren’t educated in the realms of theology so they hold this lame excuse to be a valid escape route. I don’t know about the Illuminati and I don’t care. It is ironic to note that the rituals stated that these individuals do today are similar to the practices of the Dark Ages. From what I know the word illuminated means the enlightened ones which mean those who are intelligent. Basically, those who respect life and existence and research it constantly to make it better for themselves, their immediate group, their community, city, county, state, country, the human race, and then the earth and animal kingdoms. Once human can control their laziness, the earth will be a better place.
In the first place, the name Devil is commonly given to the fallen angels, who are also called Demons. The exact technical distinction between the 2 terms in ecclesiastical usage may be seen in the phrase used in the decree of the Fourth Lateran Council: “Diabolous enim et alii daemones.” (The devil and the other demons), i.e. all are demons, and the chief of the demons is called the devil. This distinction is preserved in the Vulgate New Testament, where Diabolus represents the Greek, and in almost every instance refers to Satan Himself, whilst his subordinate angels are described, in accordance with the Greek, as daemones or daemonia. But save in some highly specialized contexts when the most meticulous accuracy is required, we now use the words “devil,” and “demon” indifferently, and employ the definite article to denote Lucifer (Satan), chief of the devils, The Devil. So in S. Matthew xxv. 41, is written ‘the devil and his angels.” The Greek word means a slanderer, an accuser, and in the sense is applied to him of whom it is said “the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night” (Apocalypse xii. 10). Thus it answers to the Hebrew name Satan, which signifies an adversary, an accuser.