[IMMEDIATE REPLAYS] Keenan Booker’s 6-Week Webinar Series: VooDoo Edition
Based on the bestselling book, "The VooDoo Edition," Is the Most Concise Work on The History of The Caribbean and The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. It is THE GAD 720’s first Short Historical Work. Real Nigga Etiquette The VooDoo Edition is a Composite of known and unknown history. There is a detailed section on the African Tribes, The Indian Tribes, Slave Ships, the Loas, and what Catholic Saints they are syncretized with. Many historical events and Individuals were key to developing "The Breaking Islands" of the Caribbean. A timeline of Revolutions from the 1400s until the 1900s is also provided due to this being The VooDoo Edition, a Smokey Wisdom & Understanding on everything from Art Alchemy, Slavery, Rituals, and The World can be found in this book. The Poltergeist is the Album that goes with this book.
Lesson #1
Chapter: I: The Voyage of The Sable Venus
Course Description:
In this course, we will discuss the drawing of The Sable Venus. This drawing is very important and pertinent to the current condition of African Americans and how it got that way. Social Alchemical Magic is the basis of why this painting was drawn. It is a form of a combination lock. This lock is put in place to keep the faux culture of African Americans/Afro-Caribbeans in a loop in time. The Sable Venus traveled to America with Europeans having no fear. She was desired by the white male for a majority of reasons that will be brought to the forefront during this lecture.
Other beings in the drawing, such as Poseidon, his son Triton, Cupid, and The Monarch Butterfly, will also be described. These characters play a significant role in the lock that is fixed into the drawing. The caricatures' liveliness will be fully explained during this lecture.
Lesson #2
Chapter: II The Timeline
Course Description:
When looking into the annals of history, you must understand that nothing is genuinely exact. We would like it to be, but it is not. There will always be chaos like all systems, astrology, biology, chemistry, and gumbo. This chaos gives room for all to be able to comprehend and perceive what is meant for them. Humans are not of the same design, experience, or background.
Lesson #3
Chapter: III, The SlaveShips
Course Description:
When looking into the annals of history, you must understand that nothing is genuinely exact. We would like it to be, but it is not. There will always be chaos like all systems, astrology, biology, chemistry, and gumbo. This chaos gives room for all to be able to comprehend and perceive what is meant for them. Humans are not of the same design, experience, or background.
Time has been left to us fragmented in the form of chaos. When one re-searches and encounters different dates but the same event, it is wise to leave it in a roundabout area, leaving a space of at least 2 -3 numbers high and low to the dates given. This point of view should be used with names as well. It will allow you to progress through the information because of the fragmentations in history and the alchemy that has been cloaked upon it and utilized within it. Everything in history is always debatable. Many things in history have emotional attachments to them; this enforces one's biased view. Therefore it gets confusing and becomes a tug of war to reach a bottom line of what occurred and who did what. This is why it is good to leave irrelevant details out of the picture and reach for the undisputable general fact. The facts are only found in the root etymology, and all sources of words are not available to the public.
Not only this, but the printing press hit mass production in 1480. This was when the written word took on a whole new importance. Only Europe had fast pace literature and literacy development. At the same time, there was a lot of witchcraft and other elements relative to psychological development that everybody in Medieval times was repetitively exercising. This includes a profound change in law and contracts. During these times, law, contract, deeds, and court elements took on extreme art forms. I use the word extreme because these things were already in place. They wore new outfits with the times and merged into the party. You are about to read a list of events of extreme chaos from 1492 – 1872.
Lesson #4
Chapter: IV: The Revolutionaries
Course Description:
There were many wars, more than what’s provided in this book. Wars of the old world provided the natural means for the insatiable desire of man to rule over other humans and animals, only because plants are boring and patience is bitter. There will always be disputes; there will always be testosterone. The Woman’s approach at war is more psychological and lengthy.
Alpha males want to prove their might for all to see, whether that be their person or the many men they may lead. What I See, What I Like, I Will Have, is the will of every living thing, from the Mosquito to the Eagle, the Octopus, to the Lion. Every living organism on Planet Earth is physically equipped for offense and defense. These biological weapons are also used to survive, eat, camouflage, and build. Etc.
Humans have nothing biologically attached to them that allows them to defend themselves or offend someone. Some of the oldest human bones found had broken ones from battles, skulls bashed in, marks on the bones from meat being ripped off with a knife, which are signs of cannibalism, and small spearheads in the ribs. Man has always needed a club or a stick, which cocooned into the sword and then matured into a rifle. Between these times, brutality and dominance grew to extremes that today would be considered worse than a horror movie. The point is: there is a natural law that does not understand or include sympathy or weakness. For one to not understand nature while living in nature defines insanity.
Lesson #5
Chapter: V: The Gods
Course Description:
This section is the extreme VooDoo focus. The descriptions of Lwas and their Catholic connections will be described. The relation of a Lwa to a Catholic Saint can be done in a couple of different ways. The first way would be principality which could be about the legend, date of celebration, attributes & patronages, and locations. In VooDoo and Catholicism, like all mythology systems, the entities represent more than one aspect. They will be directly and indirectly connected to many if not all, other characters in their pantheon. Aspects of human life being expressed through entities is to have an embodiment of the aspect/emotion. As all humans go through many different walks and faze in life, to have an external representation that mirrors your faze is comforting to the soul. It allows you not to feel singled out and to find those with something in common. The “Our Lady” are different aspects of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Voodoo Houn’gan, a variation of the word Nganga or mambo, is the confessor, doctor, magician, and personal advisor to people individually and their families. This includes politicians, businesses of all ranks, and stars. The Houn’gan is also considered a prophet and the guardian of the magic powers of the sun.
Nations of Loas are divided into rites. A “horse” is a term used to signify the practitioner's status before being or while being incarnated with a lwa. Incarnation must occur for ceremonial rituals where the work, energy, and/or admiration of lwa is requested. This is not to be done without the guidance of a Houngan. A lwa can get stuck inside of a person if they do not have the mental/spiritual capacity to ensure its exit. Understand that no spirit is more robust than a human, as they need Humans for freedom. Lwas need humans to feel the ambiance of freedom, smell, and see again. A dedicated human to a principle is also a window of light and life to the principle.
Lesson #6
Chapter: VI: The Carnival
Course Description:
The breaking islands were where slaves were driven with whips, horns, and flambeaux (torches) to put out canefield fires. They were whipped while putting out fires in the cane fields and trying to save some sugarcane. All the while, music was playing in the background, by what we can assume were other slaves. This could go on for days at a time. We can suspect many people died.
The question is, Why would someone maintain the energy that stems from events like this? Psychologically, it is clear that people have nothing else to do, and they wait for these events all year long. It is business; many tourists go down to the Islands for these events and maintain negative energy that is the motherboard of many stereotypes that African Americans live by. The islanders don’t necessarily see this avenue, nor do they care like their location and culture are stuck. In essence, no man is an island. The island mentality is very limited in its experience and knowledge of the world; this includes extensive social understanding. Due to this depression of thought, a good time is sought at a higher rate. As the environment only provides a good time.