[SPECIAL REPORT DOWNLOAD] History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters (Black Civilizations of Asia Minor: Ancient Troy and the Etruscans)

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Black Civilizations of Asia Minor: Ancient Troy and the Etruscans

The Manding speakers who founded Troy, may have settled areas as far as the Carpathian Valley. This is supported by the analogy between the Trojan script and the Tartarian and Tordos scripts (Hood 1968), and similar marks found at other archaeological sites in western Asia Minor, and the Fertile African Crescent (Winters 1986, Winters 1989).

The oldest Manding/Garama tablets in Europe come from Tartaria. Tartaria belongs to the Vinca culture. Ancient Troy was a Black Civilization. The founders of Toy probably spoke a Mande language.

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[SPECIAL REPORT DOWNLOAD] History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters (Black Civilizations of Asia Minor: Ancient Troy and the Etruscans)

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