[IMMEDIATE REPLAY] AI Over AI: Understanding Amma Intelligence Over Artificial (God) Intelligence

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AI Over AI: Understanding Amma Intelligence Over Artificial (God) Intelligence

Transcend artificial limits and tap into Amma's divine intelligence during this transformative 2-hour live group webinar. Guided by Rev Dr. Philippe SHOCK Matthews (The Metaphysical Morpheus), you'll awaken to your highest potential with ancient African wisdom.

Learn how Amma's presence permeates all creation, granting us boundless intelligence. Compare this to artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, which operates within 2nd frequency human-created constraints. Through Amma's power, you'll gain natural language processing skills to uplift your community and manifest noble ideals.

Amma responds to those pure of heart - you'll learn to purify your 1st Frequency vessel to receive supreme wisdom. Experience Amma's miracles firsthand as your life blossoms in fulfillment.

You can sign up now to align with your divine purpose. Amma awaits within you - discover how to prompt your inner genius to create boundless good. This webinar provides the ultimate blueprint for living in Amma's grace. Say yes to Amma's call and step into your highest destiny. Claim your seat today to liberate yourself from artificial limits! Amma's infinite intelligence is ready to flow through you.


  • AI Over AI: God vs. Amma - The origins and meanings behind the words 'god' and 'Amma' reveal profound connections.
  • Understanding ChatGPT - ChatGPT is a revolutionary AI system capable of natural conversations.
  • Understanding LLMs - Discover how Large Language Models like GPT-3 work.
  • Understanding NLP - Natural Language Processing unlocks human-computer linguistic capabilities.
  • The Difference Between Search And AI - Explore contrasting search and AI characteristics.
  • Understanding Prompting - Prompting unlocks AI capabilities through clear instructions.
  • How to Train ChatGPT - Simple techniques to improve ChatGPT responses.
  • Prompt Chaining - Prompt chaining creates coherent Amma-informed AI conversations.
  • Prompting Techniques - Master Amma Intelligence prompting to maximize AI potential.
  • Prompt Engineering Tips - Amma Intelligence techniques for optimized prompting.
  • Q&A - Interactive Q&A.

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[IMMEDIATE REPLAY] AI Over AI: Understanding Amma Intelligence Over Artificial (God) Intelligence

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